The Mammoth Matriarch is the matriarchal leader of a group of woolly mammoths.
The matriarch resembled the other mammoths of her herd, but was slightly larger, had darker fur, blue eyes and a tattoo-like mark located on the base of her trunk.
The matriarch is always depending on her duty as the leader of her herd, even respecting the elderly one. Upon finding the elder's carcass, she caressed it in sadness but was infuriated when she finds out who was responsible for its death. However, she has a sense of honor as Spear gave the Elder mammoth's tusk so she and the herd could place it in the mammoth graveyard.
- Strength: Since she is one of the healthier members of her herd, the matriarch had ginormous physical strength. She could effortlessly pin down Fang and with enough ramming power to charge her into another mammoth that would have killed the Tyrannosaurus.
- Resilience: The matriarch has high physical endurance due to her larger size, as she was the one leading her herd in front of a blizzard. She also tolerated damage to her vulnerable eyes during her fight with Fang.
- Leadership: The matriarch is shown to be a great leader and has great authority of her herd. She is shown not to worry for her herd when they needed back up. She is also willing to retrieve the elderly mammoth's tusk so that it will give her proper burial for the mammoth graveyard.
During a snowy blizzard, the matriarch and her herd lose track of their elder.
Later on, after the elderly mammoth was brutally attacked and killed by Spear and Fang in which they take its only tusk, meat, skin and bones while they also left its corpse as food to be scavenged by sabertooth wolves, the herd soon found the remains of their dead member and the matriarch began mourning it, placing her trunk on it until she noticed its missing tusk. Angered over who is responsible of the victim's death upon seeing footprints, the matriarch and the herd soon encounter Fang and Spear, presumably seeking to kill them in revenge and avenge their deceased herd member. The herd began to attack and overpower the two, despite having three of them being killed by Fang. The matriarch charges into Fang, but despite the T. rex clawing at one of her eyes, rams her into another mammoth and nearly crushes her to death, only to be intercepted by Spear, who holds out the tusk. However, upon realizing that the mammoth herd only came to retrieve the tusk of their fallen kin, Spear respectfully gives it to the matriarch before she then decides to spare his life along with Fang. Later, the matriarch and her herd travel to a mammoth boneyard to mourn for their dead elder. ("A Cold Death")
- The matriarch is one of the few enemies of Spear and Fang to actually spare the duo.